Thursday, 10 January 2019

SLJ, Concluding the Journey- Day 5, Activity 3

  1. One thing I have learned more about are about the traps that DOC use to stop pests eating our native birds
  2. One thing that surprised me is that there are no activities on Saturday and Sunday
  3. One thing that upset me was that there are not many Maui Dolphin left in this world
  4. One thing that I can do is use less plastic


  1. Hi Zac

    Congratulations for completing the final task of the programme. You have made a really great effort with all the activities that you have done. There are still plenty that you haven't done if you would like to do some more, but that is entirely up to you!

    I hope that you have enjoyed doing the ones that you have and that you have learnt something about the environment.
    Remember if we all do our bit to help, care and protect the environment it will make it all a better place for us to live.

    Great work over the summer Zac, enjoy the rest of holidays and I will see you in February when I come back to visit the school with prizes and certificates. My team and I have enjoyed reading your posts.

    Cheers Zac

    Allie :)

  2. Thanks for commenting.


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