Tuesday, 8 September 2020

My speech - my three favorite animals

 Hello everyone my name is Zac and I’m going to be speaking to you today about three of my favorite animals. 

First of all my three favorite animals are Alpacas, Axolotls and Tigers. 

Let's start off with Alpacas. If you didn’t know already I have two Alpacas and their names are Bryan and Alfie. Any way Alpacas are kind of like a llama but Alpacas have spear shaped ears, alpacas also weigh around 70kg and produce much finer wool.

On the other hand Llamas have banana shaped ears and Llamas can get as heavy as 180kg! Also Llamas generally do not have as much wool on their head and face as Alpacas do. The scientific name for an Alpaca is a Vicoonia. 

Next up is the Axolotl. The Axolotl is also known as the Mexican walking fish. Axolotls are an amphibian that means it is a cold blooded animal that has gills to breathe underwater and lungs to breathe on land. Axolotls are found exclusively in lake Socheemillkoh. 

Lastly, let me tell you about Tigers. Wild Tigers live in Asia. But there are tigers such as the Siberin tiger that live in different parts of the world. The scientific name for the Tiger is Panthera. Tigers are the largest wild cat in the world Adult Tigers can weigh up to 363Kg. Tigers are good swimmers unlike most members of the cat family, they like water and often cool off in pools or streams. Did you know a Tiger's roar can be heard as far as 3Km away. And my last fact at full speed Tigers can reach up to 65km/h. 

Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope you learnt something about these three animals. This is Zac Gallant over and out.