Friday, 29 May 2020


Here's my poem without sounds

Yellow feels soft like silk
It sounds like bees buzzing
merrily going about their work in the garden
Yellow is buttered popcorn
Fresh, hot, buttery

Blue makes me sad
and smells like salty sea water
it sounds like water drops fitting the pavement

Then purple takes over
I feel wild
I smell tropical fruit
and hear popping balloons

I feel so happy
it's so calm and peaceful
bubblegum smells waft in the air

but then I feel green
so lonely
it's quiet
and smells like freshly cut grass

Black arrives
I'm angry and
I don't'' wanna hear it!
Black is ink
strong, sticky chemical
it's sound is like a thunderstorm
lighting up the sky
booming in the distance

my color poem and Typatone

This is my color poem. I used senses to describe color and then put it in Typatone to get sound.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Lockdown artwork #2

Lockdown Highlights

Lockdown Story - Zac Gallant Year 7
We’ve been learning at home since COVID-19 made school close. We live on a farm so we’ve got way more fun things to do than people who live in town. Dad built us a sled that gets towed behind the motorbike so we’ve been riding in it. We have a creek near our house that we’ve been kayaking in with our dog Belle in the kayak. I was flying my kite on a windy day and I got too close to the powerline and it got stuck in it. We had to ring the power people who came and got it out but now it is destroyed so I can’t fly it anymore. We went camping up the back on our farm for a night - we cooked our tea on a campfire. We had sausages and pasta and potatoes and corn cooked in the fire then we had marshmallows squashed between biscuits and hot chocolate for pudding.  I burnt my hand on a hot coal which hurt lots. We slept in tents and our dog Belle slept outside our tent. We’ve been doing school at home - we use our chromebooks to go onto our class work site and our teacher puts work on there for us. We go on meets with our class and we play learning games too. One of the activities we have done is to make a video of a news report - I did a news report about a sighting of a gnome in our area. We shared the videos on our blog. Mum has also been giving us scavenger hunt challenges around the farm. We have to get photos of a list of things and there are prizes for the quickest and best photos.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

Outside Scavenger Hunt A-Z

Caitlyn Jess and I did a scavenger hunt where we had to take photos of things outside beginning with each letter of the alphabet. None of us could find something beginning with the letter X. I also couldn't find K. Z was easy - I just took a selfie. There were prizes for the fastest, most pictures, and the best pictures. Here are some of the pictures I took.